We spent release day with Jess Moskaluke as she celebrated her first single in over a year. Jess recently released her single “Life For Me”; a creative departure that remains true to her evolved sound.
She mentioned how “Life For Me” is if her 2020 single “Map Dot” had a cool older sister. We also talked about how “Map Dot” connected with so many people across Canada – whether they were from small map dot towns, or had some small town that was special for them.
We talked about Jess’ “eras”, and what that means for her. She’s been releasing music for a long time, and for her, it’s about her own evolution, the things she’s experienced, and being true to herself – no matter the era.
For her – that’s pretty important too. She’s received criticism over the years for not being country enough and being too Nashville.
We also touched on her venture into the business side and management. After over a decade in the business, she’s got a lot of experience under her belt and has decided to share that with some emerging artists she’s working with.
You can follow Jess Moskaluke on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and X.
On The Porch with Front Porch Music Season 4 Episode 3: “Have you ever even been to Canada ?” 🇨🇦 with Jess Moskaluke
We’re so excited to bring back Season 4 of On The Porch with Front Porch Music. If you liked this episode, please rate, review and subscribe … It’s the easiest way to support our show.
Grab a drink, pull up a chair, and join us On The Front Porch, every other Tuesday.
On The Porch with Front Porch Music is a Front Porch Production and hosted by Logan Miller and Jenna Weishar. On The Porch with Front Porch Music is produced by Jason Saunders.
The theme song for this podcast was written, produced, and performed by Owen Riegling.
Listen To Some Of Our Favourite Episodes Of On The Porch with Front Porch Music
Catch up on any episode of our podcast you haven’t heard yet!! We’ve talked to some amazing artists and you’ll get to know them better than ever before.
Here’s some of our popular episodes below.
S4:E2 – Alli Walker
S2:E14 – Shantaia
See a list of all our previous episodes of the podcast and have a listen.

In country music, the Front Porch has long been a place of reflection. A place where you can look at the life you have inside that front door. A place where time almost seems to stand still, where you can get away. It’s also a place where you can go to observe the world as it passes by you. To think about your place out there beyond the driveway.
- Front Porchhttps://frontporchmusic.ca/author/admin/
- Front Porchhttps://frontporchmusic.ca/author/admin/
- Front Porchhttps://frontporchmusic.ca/author/admin/
- Front Porchhttps://frontporchmusic.ca/author/admin/