Dayna Reid hit the ground running in the Canadian country music scene about a year ago, making her debut at the CCMA Country Music Week in Calgary.
She released a three-pack EP which included her first Top-40 single, “She’s Me”. The single earned her iHeart Future Star along with Stingray’s New Country Trending Track.
She also recently released the music video for her current single “The Way You Lie”, which was written by Beverley Mahood and Mackenzie Shepherd.
Dayna was featured as a Top 8 semi-finalist for this year’s SiriusXM Top Of the Country contest, where she featured an unreleased song called “This House”.
A newcomer to the industry, Dayna has learned a lot in just one year and has lots to share with emerging artists.
5 Questions With Dayna Reid
1. You always wanted to be an artist, but couldn’t visualize that – growing up in a small town and being on the outside, and now here you are! What would you say to young people who feel like they’re in that same spot – they don’t know how to make it happen?
“When I was growing up I was always thinking about the future. What else do I want? Looking back, I didn’t realize everything that was going on in the moment – you have to be grateful for what you have in the moment. There are so many avenues to getting where you want. If you get the small town experience growing up, you have the most supportive people in your corner no matter where your career goes.”
Dayna Talked To Us About Growing Up In A Small Town Next To Giraffes
Dayna really emphasizes the importance of community and appreciating the way you grew up. Just like in her single “She’s Me”, Dayna reflects on being part of a small community, appreciating where and how she was raised, and being able to admit that she still wanted to pursue big dreams.
Dayna says, “She’s Me is just that; being thankful for your life and also still wanting more. It’s okay to want more.”
2. How do you think your small town roots have been a positive influence on your journey and where you’ve landed today?
Dayna is first to admit that the small town she was raised in (Elmvale, Ontario) is a center of support and encouragement for her career.
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“Elmvale is a very small town with a very big heart and the fact that people are supporting my dream is crazy.”
There are many people across the country who experience the tight-knit community feeling in their small towns, and there’s a lot you learn about being a good human. Dayna says you get used to saying hello to everyone you meet on the street, sharing in your neighbours’ experiences, and looking forward to coming together as a community.
“You learn to be genuinely kind and actually a good person. It makes you more relatable, you can talk to people. It kind of helped prepare me to take on this new experience.”
3. What would you call the artist “starter pack” as someone who is pretty new to this crazy world? What are your top pointers?
“You don’t know ‘til you know. Still being yourself with this new spotlight on you, not everyone is this overly confident person with a camera pointed at them and it’s okay for it to feel weird and not normal.”
“All the first experiences are scary as hell but they’re so exciting; and I’d say differentiating between being a little nervous but also excited is important.”
“The first time you do something isn’t the be all and end all. You’re building your confidence on the go – you don’t have to have it figured out the first time.”
“Making connections and meeting awesome people is one of my favourite parts so make sure to soak it all up, don’t get too caught up in trying to do the “right” things for your career. You still have to enjoy the ride.”
And finally, Dayna says “Savour those little moments – everything that comes, take advantage of the moment at hand.”
4. It can be tricky to “fight” for what you want when you’re still kind of learning how things go. As you’re navigating this still sort of new world as an artist, how are you balancing the learning aspect and staying true to yourself and what you want?
“Part of being a good artist is being able to collaborate with other people and hear their opinions. I know who I want to be as an artist and what I want to bring to the table.”
Learning about yourself through these experiences is so valuable, but it’s important to be able to separate yourself from things that you personally do not align with, and put your foot down when it’s straying from who you want to be.
“My team has been a huge help with these things I’m not the best at. You have to know who you are and what you bring to the table and trust your people to help with the rest.”
“I think it was Shania Twain who said, “if you don’t know who you are in this industry someone else will tell you who to be.”
5. Looking back at yourself right before that first singing competition – what’s one thing you wish you knew then that you know now?
“Anything and everything is actually possible. I didn’t think this would ever be my reality; having an actual career in music, writing with people, releasing music, I just didn’t think it would be real, I thought it would always stay a dream – I’m already like holy shit, what is my life.”
“I always felt like something was missing. I love helping people but there was something within me that was missing. Music has proved that to me. Listen to your gut!”
About Dayna Reid
Dayna Reid comes from the quaint rural town of Elmvale, Ontario. Dayna has been captivating audiences across the nation since signing with Open Road Recordings & RGK Entertainment Group in 2022. Her fresh and distinctive sound propelled her to the forefront, earning her prestigious titles such as iHeartRadio’s Future Star and Stingray Radio’s Trending Track. These accolades paved the way for her first Top 40 radio single, “She’s Me.”
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Growing up in the heart of a small town, Dayna was surrounded by the kind of stories that resonate with people on a profound level. It wasn’t long before she picked up a guitar and embarked on a relentless quest to hone her craft and pursue a career in music.
In the summer of 2019, Dayna’s path led her to the multi-CCMA award-winning artist Beverley Mahood, who swiftly became both her mentor and one of her closest songwriting collaborators. Together, they worked tirelessly to transform Dayna’s personal narratives into soul-stirring songs that would touch the hearts of her audience.
Dayna Reid released her first EP in 2022, “Back To The Trailer” and has much more music on the horizon.
Connect With Dayna Reid On Social Media!
Instagram – @dayna_reid
Twitter – @daynareidmusic
Facebook – @DaynaReidMusic
TikTok – @daynareidmusic
YouTube – Dayna Reid
Listen To Music From Dayna Reid

Country music lover with an unhealthy collection of concert t-shirts. Always looking for up and coming artists. Believer in music's ability to soothe the soul. Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter.
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