In our journey to introduce you all to more great Canadian country artists, we’re so excited to be able to share Mike Whiteside and his debut country single “3 Am”.
Mike Whiteside is coming out of the gates very strong with his debut release “3 Am”. This song was written by Robyn Ottolini, and produced by a couple of the best producers in the biz. Mike’s vocals on this track bring the song to life and tells us he’s here, and he’s here to make an impact on the industry.
“3 Am” feels like an all too familiar circumstance. This song thrusts the listener into feeling like they’re calling the one that got away in the middle of the night just to check in and see if they still care. It’s touching, and incredibly relatable.
In talking about this release, Mike says, “I am hopeful that this hard hitting power ballad will be a very strong debut single release, and be a spring board as I continue to create my unique sound.”
We agree.
“3 Am” is a strong debut single that is a wonderful introduction to this talented Canadian artist. This song showcases Mike’s ability to bring a story to life.
Be sure to take a listen to “3 Am” on Apple Music and Spotify.
Stream “3Am” By Mike Whiteside
About Mike Whiteside
In country music, the Front Porch has long been a place of reflection. A place where you can look at the life you have inside that front door. A place where time almost seems to stand still, where you can get away. It’s also a place where you can go to observe the world as it passes by you. To think about your place out there beyond the driveway.
- Front Porch
- Front Porch
- Front Porch
- Front Porch