Genevieve Fisher first serenaded people at the tender age of two years old, when she sang “You Are My Sunshine” at the Ilderton fair. What would ensue as she grew up was a natural affinity for the stage and a passion for performance.
After over a decade in the world of Canadian country music, we sat down with Genevieve to talk about her journey.
RELATED: Genevieve was recently our Women in Country Spotlight artist …
We dove into the world of radio and radio tours, writing music and finding inspiration at different stages of life, and her new single “Best Thing About The Rain”.
We even had a special appearance from Genevieve’s son, Harrison. She talked about how defining success has changed so much after having her son and the importance of making him proud.
Make sure to follow Genevieve Fisher on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
On The Porch with Front Porch Music Season 2 Episode 12: “Filling Up Life’s Bingo Card with Genevieve Fisher”
Thanks so much for coming back for Season 2 of On The Porch with Front Porch Music. If you liked it, please rate, review and subscribe … It’s the easiest way to support our show.
Grab a drink, pull up a chair, and join us On The Front Porch, every other Tuesday.
On The Porch with Front Porch Music is a Front Porch Production and hosted by Logan Miller and Jenna Weishar. On The Porch with Front Porch Music is produced by Jason Saunders.
The theme song for this podcast was written, produced, and performed by Owen Riegling.
Listen To Some Of Our Favourite Episodes Of On The Porch with Front Porch Music
Catch up on any episode of our podcast you haven’t heard yet!! We’ve talked to some amazing artists, and you’ll get to know them better than ever before.
Here’s some of our popular episodes below.
S2:E11 – Lydia Sutherland
S2:E1 – Josh Ross
See a list of all our previous episodes of the podcast and have a listen.

Country music lover with an unhealthy collection of concert t-shirts. Always looking for up and coming artists. Believer in music's ability to soothe the soul. Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter.
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